
点击这里 以阅览社会工作教育联会辖下评审委员会的评审声明.

多样性、公平和包容 Statements

DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 experiences for students, faculty and staff.

The program’s expectation for 多样性 is reflected in its learning environment, which provides the context through which students learn about differences, value and respect 多样性, and develop a commitment to cultural humility. 多样性的维度是 被理解为多种因素的交叉性,包括但不限于年龄, class, color, culture, disability and ability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, immigration status, marital status, political ideology, race, religion/spirituality, sex, sexual orientation, and tribal sovereign status.



BSHS 110 Introduction to 社会工作 and Human Services

This course introduces students to the field of social work and human services. 学生将通过跨学科的知识基础获得满足人类需求的基本知识,重点是预防和解决问题,提高服务人群的整体生活质量. 学生将了解社会工作和人类服务专业人员的工作,以改善可及性, accountability and coordination among professionals and agencies in service delivery.

SOWK 225 Human Behavior and the Social Environment

本课程探讨个人特征和社会环境如何影响人类行为. 它还涵盖了社会工作者在努力改变人们行为方式时对这些因素作出反应的各种方式. Additionally, this course provides an overview of human growth and development.

SOWK 332 社会工作 with Individuals, Families and Groups

This course provides students with an overview of the social work practice, 关注个人, 家庭及团体. 像这样, 本课程将向学生介绍这些群体的各种干预措施, as well as an opportunity to develop foundational counseling skills. 学生还将获得与治疗小组合作和/或参与治疗小组的经验.

SOWK 342 社会工作 with Communities and Organizations

本课程为学生提供社区和组织内社会工作实践的概述. 像这样, the course introduces students to community organization and development practice, 无论是在当地还是在国际层面. 它还包括千亿国际登录社会服务组织的多样性以及如何提供促进有效社会工作实践的领导的教导.

SOWK 352 Principles of Counseling Practice

这是一门技能发展课程,侧重于接触各种咨询技术,并为假设的治疗情况提供角色扮演的机会. In addition to learning these basic counseling skills, 学生将有机会实践作为国家标准的药物滥用咨询师的咨询技巧, 对这些技能进行审查和检查,并接受使用评估工具的培训.

SOWK 252 Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

本课程将帮助学生识别同情疲劳和替代性创伤的迹象和症状. 在本课程中, students learn to manage their stress levels and increase self-care practices, 与他们工作的回报联系起来, 建立他们的弹性,并致力于在他们的生活和未来的组织中做出成功的改变. 本课程是一个个人探索,帮助建立必要的自我意识,以管理同情疲劳和替代创伤的影响. Please be aware that the class work can be emotionally challenging.


This course provides students with an overview of social welfare policy in America. 它还在社会正义的范围内评价具体的社会福利政策和做法以及社会政策力求在国内和国际上解决的问题.

sok 140社会正义

This course provides the philosophical foundations of social policy. 像这样, it addresses the following questions and dilemmas: Does justice require mercy? Should justice dictate a correct way to behave? What would just political institutions look like? If there are individual expectations of justice, what about community expectations? 因此, 在本课程中, students review classical and contemporary theories of justice while examining, 分析, synthesizing and justifying their own views and applying them to contemporary issues.


本课程考察了美国的经济多样性,并特别关注不平等的三个关键方面:性别, 种族和阶级. This course studies the fundamental sources of inequality, as well as the consequences that arise in different parts of the inequality structure. 学生 will be expected to take a critical look at how inequality affects their lives, their 家庭 and the communities around them, while also examining their own and others’ responses to various types of inequality.


This class will ideally be preparatory to agency internship experience. The course covers aspects of client management and treatment planning, 包括筛选, 摄入, 评估及转介程序. 将对客户支持系统和咨询特殊人群的问题进行审查. 本课程包括法律评论, ethical and professional growth issues for the counselor, an examination of state services and treatment trends and programming-related issues, particularly in the fields of addiction counseling and social work.


This course offers intensive field experience for social work majors. 环境将由学生根据学生的兴趣和目标与社会工作领域教育协调员合作选择. 它包括至少200小时的实习,在一个学期的课程中获得五(5)个学分. 学生必须符合社会工作实习的资格要求才能注册本课程.


This course accompanies the first social work internship. 它为学生提供了一个机会,让他们与彼此和实地教育协调员分享和学习他们的实地实习经验. 学生还要准备一份作品集,为专业就业和/或研究生学习做准备.

SOWK 475 社会工作 Field Experience II

This course offers a second intensive field experience for social work majors. 环境将由学生根据学生的兴趣和目标与社会工作领域教育协调员合作选择. 它包括至少200小时的实习,在一个学期的课程中获得五(5)个学分. The placement might be in the same site as SOWK 460 or a different site, depending on the student’s learning needs and current career goals. This course is taken concurrently with SOWK 476 Senior Seminar II.


This course accompanies the second social work internship. 它为学生提供了一个机会,让他们与彼此和实地教育协调员分享和学习他们的实地实习经验. 学生还要准备一份作品集,为专业就业和/或研究生学习做准备.


点击这里 to view 社会工作四年制学位计划


以下链接的报告基于社会工作教育委员会(CSWE) 2015年教育政策和认证标准(EPAS)。.

Assessment Report for Academic Year 2022-23


点击这里见面 大学社会工作学系.




To equip baccalaureate level social workers for a lifetime of empowering individuals, 家庭, 组, 组织, and societies to solve human problems both in their own communities and around the world, guided by a person-in-environment framework. To empower students to negotiate their overall health, well-being and resilience proactively and intentionally for longevity in the field. To develop leaders and practitioners who will advance the well-being of people, 促进包容, 多样性, 股本, 以及社会公正, 通过教育, 社区参与, 跨学科研究, 宣传, 领导力与终身学习.


目标1: 该计划将准备通才社会工作者在微观和宏观层面上以道德和能力的方式与不同的客户群体进行实践.

目标2: 该项目将通过跨学科的学习环境将社会工作实践与社会科学研究相结合,并强调学生和教师终身学习的重要性.

目标3: 该计划将通过社会政策实践和其他形式的倡导,培养致力于促进人权和社会正义的领导者和实践者.

目标4: 该计划将通过提供各种服务学习项目,教导学生整合理论与实践的关系, strong field education placements and leadership development.

目标5: 该计划将促进对个人和精神成长的奉献,并将持续的自我照顾作为社会工作职业的重要基础.

Policy on Credit for Life, Volunteer or Work Experience

符合社会工作教育委员会的教育政策及认证标准, 千亿国际登录的社会工作项目不授予课程或领域学分, transfer credit or exemptions for prior life, 志愿者或工作经历.